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we’re proud to support our local community—it’s easy because they’re our friends & family

We want to give a BIG shout out to Pele, James, Leo & the team Civtec. Your support means our vulnerable families and communities get through these challenging times.

K'aute Pasifika Trust

Since lockdown 400 families in the Waikato have received FREE food packages

K’aute Pasifika

Today we celebrated #pinkshirtdaynz with our Civtec family to Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora – Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!


Movember is over and the Civtec Mobros and Mosistas have nailed it! Some amazing Mo's and serious moves completed over the month raising $2656 for the foundation!


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