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Delivering Food Packages to families in the Waikato

By October 21, 2020December 10th, 2021No Comments

“Te tumu rakau ‘akau putuputu ‘ia e te matangi ketaketa rai tona aka” 🌴
“The tree that is often challenged by the wind develops strong roots”. (Cook Islands) 🇨🇰

The challenge we’ve faced during these unprecedented times has given rise to the coming together of like-minded people and organisations ready and willing to serve our most vulnerable in our communities.👨‍👩‍👧‍👧👳🏽‍♀️👧🏽👩🏿‍💼👨‍👩‍👧

Thank you to our funders, volunteers and staff who’ve made it possible for 1,000 care packages to be delivered to families in the Waikato!! 💥New World FreshChoice Te Awamutu Gilmours Wholesale Food & Beverage Pasifika Futures Trust Waikato WEL Energy Trust Hamilton City Council Ultrafast Fibre Corrections NZ Civtec New Zealand Police Waikato Police
#waikatocommunities #strength #resilience #service

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