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Civtec Displays its Range with Three Distinctive Projects around Waikato

By June 7, 2017December 10th, 2021No Comments

Underground thrusting and directional drilling experts, Civtec, based in Hamilton, have been diversifying and trying their hand at several different projects in the past month, with great results.  In the last month, Civtec has been involved in three diverse and interesting projects:

  1. Effluent Retention Ponds for Dairy farmers in Kawhia, Te Kauwhata and Gordonton

The Regional Council, which used to be Environment Waikato, have instigated new rules and tightened up on the effluent irrigation systems on farms. Farmers are now required to have ponds to hold the effluent washed out of sheds. “On these farms, we used our equipment to put anti-seepage pipes, in other words drain plugs, into these very large retention ponds,” says Shane Smart, CEO of Civtec.  “There’s a movement now towards farmers building the ponds so it’s one more thing Civtec can put our hand to.”

  1. Installing drainage at Seddon Park

The Hamilton City Council has invested a large sum of money into Seddon Park, which is one of the top cricket grounds in the world.  Part of that project is the drainage to remedy the flooding and keep cricket fans happy. “We have done directional drilling and drainage both inside and outside Seddon Park, to enable the park to handle large downpours of rain,” says Mr Smart.

  1. Opening water ways for Hamilton City Council

Civtec has been engaged by Hamilton City Council to repair many of the open drains around Hamilton. “Getting so some of the locations has been quite challenging and our extensive experience has come into play,” says Mr Smart.  “This contract should lead to ongoing projects.  The future looks promising.”

“Each of these jobs was different and had unique challenges,” says Mr Smart.  “We were pleased to have Civtec referred for these projects through word of mouth, proving we are maintaining a high standard and keeping our clients happy, as is our intention.”

Contact Civtec

07 849 0098
14 Perclo Place, Te Rapa, Hamilton 3200, NZ
Civtec, PO Box 10596, Te Rapa 3241, Hamilton

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