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It’s Groundbreaking Without Breaking Ground: Civtec Explains Directional Drilling

By February 27, 2017December 10th, 2021No Comments

One of New Zealand’s fastest growing companies is solving an age-old problem for councils, utility contractors and private residents.

The problem:  How to install services for water, sewer, gas or telecommunications without mess and disruption to property above ground.

The solution is Directional Drilling.

Directional Drilling is a technique used by Hamilton-based civil engineering company Civtec to allow cables and pipes to be laid underground with minimal disruption to surface areas such as gardens and footpaths.

“The great thing about a Directional Drill is that it can be navigated to avoid any obstacles underground such as existing services and ensure that the cable/conduit that is installed is in exactly the right spot.” says Shane Smart, Operations Manager at Civtec.

Directional drilling is used in place of traditional trenching methods such as diggers or hand digging to reduce disruption to surface activities, achieve deeper and/or longer installations and reduce the time required to complete the job.  It allows services to be installed without digging large holes in beautiful gardens, perfect lawns or expensive driveways, which means less mess and disruption to the customer’s property.  Customers find that it is often quicker and as a result can cost less than traditional methods to achieve the outcome that they are after.

Recently Civtec used directional drilling at a customer’s property to ensure that their pristine landscaping was not impacted.  This customer had built a pool house which required power to be taken underground from the road to the new building.  Using this method Civtec ensured that the power conduit was taken to the right spot without any disturbance to a pristine lawn, tiled outdoor patio and extensive hedging & gardens.

The customer was pleasantly surprised at how quick and painless the whole exercise was and commented that he couldn’t even tell Civtec had been there!

Civtec will soon be releasing an informational video to help customers understand how Directional Drilling works and how this groundbreaking technique could be the best option for their home or business.  Keep an eye on Civtec’s Facebook page for the video.

By Tristan Hooker/MediaPA

Contact Civtec

07 849 0098
14 Perclo Place, Te Rapa, Hamilton 3200, NZ
Civtec, PO Box 10596, Te Rapa 3241, Hamilton

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